12 lessons for Lillie on her birthday

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12 lessons for Lillie on her birthday

Every birthday, my kids do a scavenger hunt to find their gifts. I’m going to take you on the scavenger hunt journey with us today. I did 12 gifts for my 12 year old. I can’t believe my baby is 12. She is forever and always my baby.

Here we go! Come with us!

Let us begin upstairs. Clue #1: Lillie, where do you go after cheer when you are all sweaty? The answer: she runs to the shower of course! In the shower she will find gift number one. It is birthday washes from Soap and Glory. It’s a little birthday gift box for her.

The lesson: When things are bothering you, let them all come out in the shower. Wash it down the drain and try to let a lot go. I love when my mom tells me to, “Blow it to the wind.” I’m telling you to, “Let it go down the drain.”

Clue #2:  Where do you go to get dressed? The answer: She will run to her bedroom of course. There she will find a new light pink tank top that she asked for. She will wear this for cheerleading practice.

The lesson: I love that you put so much time into your outfits. Taking time for your outfit, hair and make up will make you feel better and will help you have a good day. When I take time to do this I feel so much better about myself. I love that you take pride in your appearance, and I hope that you always will. Note: my grandma Rae wouldn’t leave the house without makeup. You don’t need to take it to that extreme but I thought I would share this with you. You are beautiful with and without make up Lillie. Always remember that. You are beautiful inside and that is what truly matters. The outside is a bonus.

Clue #3: Mirror mirror on my wall, who’s birthday is it after all? The answer: Lillie will find a pack of gold earrings on her vanity where her mirror is. She loves gold jewelry.

The lessons: I want you to always be able to look in the mirror with pride of your actions for the day. I don’t expect you to be perfect but I expect you to use your smart brain and your compassionate heart. Also, your gift is earrings. As you put on all of your pretty earrings, I want you to always remember to listen to the people in your life. Listening is one of the most important skills we can learn. Lastly, when you look in the mirror, I want you to be kind to yourself. Talk nicely to yourself and be your own best cheerleader.

Clue #4: You and Max fight over this room. The answer: The kids bathroom. There she will find a face mask to use.

The lesson: Don’t put on a mask with people. I want you to be true to yourself. Your real true friends will love the real you. Always remember that.

Clue #5: Your sweet sister lets you borrow this all the time. The answer: her clothes. Ella is so sweet and lets Lillie borrow whatever she wants. There she will find a wristlet that she can take with her to use as a wallet. I’m so happy she asked for this because she needs it.

The lesson: Your sister will always be your sister and you are so lucky to have her. I always wanted one. Treasure your sister.

Clue #6: If you need a big huge sweatshirt – where should you go? The answer: Max’s closet. She is so lucky to have a big brother. There she will find the most adorable cheer necklace that I was so excited to buy for her.

The lesson: You have a mom, dad, big brother and big sister who are always here for you. Four protectors. Always come to us and we will help t support and guide you. I appreciate you opening up when something is bothering you. I hope you will always do that! Your family is your home base. We are your safe place always and forever.

Clue #7: A table full of love by the front door. The answer: The photo table with pictures of our family. There she will find a beautiful gold frame with a photo of her and her boyfriend.

The lesson: Remember to treat your boyfriend how you would want to be treated. Treat everyone (including me) how you would like to be treated. Always balance your time with your family, your friends and your boyfriend. Balancing your time is a great skill to learn. As you go through life, make sure that your friends and your boyfriend treat you well. You are a gift.

Clue #8: We often find you practicing here. The answer: The playroom that has changed from a playroom to a workout room. There she will find gold bracelets.

The lesson: I love that you workout and take care of your body. That is something to always remember to do. Moving your body every day is super important and I love that you are already doing this. I’m proud of you.

Clue #9: Head for a quick snack! Don’t let these get thrown out the window (inside family joke). The answer: She will find baby m&m’s on the dining room table where she tends to sit to eat. Always and forever my baby!

The lesson: While it is okay to eat some m&m’s, one of the most important things I can teach you is to eat healthy and learn moderation. Keep eating your veggies!

Clue#10: Go find the new item that we bought recently. It’s pretty comfy, white and gray and a rectangle. The answer: Our new rug. There she will find a gold L necklace.

The lesson: Work hard. Play hard. Treat yourself like gold. I love how hard you work at school. I love that you take time to have fun. I also love to see you taking care of yourself. Always remember these three things: work hard, play hard, treat yourself like gold!

Clue #11: Go throw on some shoes and a coat. It’s chilly! The answer: In the mudroom she will find new little boots and a new cheer jacket.

The lesson: Don’t let people walk all over you. Stand tall and have a strong backbone. Use your own mind and don’t be influenced by other. Put these shoes on and strut! I love that you are strong. Generalize your strong personality with your friends and hold true to your values.

At number 12 she will find a birthday message with her shoes and coat. I hope that she enjoys all of her presents and knows how loved and valued she is. I begged for Lillie. I heard her calling me. My sweet, strong, feisty, beautiful, smart, goofy girl. When we had Max and Ella, everyone told me how much they reminded them of Seth. I would sigh and feel sad. What about me? Then came Lillie. My mini me who is a better version of me. She looks like me – but is prettier. She’s smarter than me. She’s stronger than me. She is a better cheerleader and dancer than I was. I now understand when my mom used to say that my brother and I were even better than her. I get it now Mom.

Wishing my baby a beautiful year of ahead. I look forward to continuing to see her get smarter, taller, prettier, kinder, bolder and an even better cheerleader. I love her more than my words could ever write. My beautiful Lillie Rose. You are prettier than a flower.

Laughing, Learning, Loving,

Rebecca Greene, LCSW-R


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Whinypaluza Notes:

Whinypaluza Mom Group:

If you are looking for a supportive community, come join the free Whinypaluza Mom Facebook group.  I created this as I wanted us to have a place where we can talk about tips, strengths and challenges we are having.  It is another step I took to help everyone to know that you are not alone. Come take part in my June birthday challenge! Jump in and join the group and bring a friend with you! I love to give away prizes. This group is private so please find me on Facebook at Whinypaluza or Rebecca Greene and message me to ask for an invite. I’m also on Instagram @becgreene5 and @whinypaluza_mom. I am also on Tik tok @whinypaluzamom.


The Whinypaluza Schedule:

Whinypaluza Wednesdays: My weekly blog comes out every Wednesday.  I am always open to your topic requests.  A new Vlog (video blog) also comes out every Wednesday night on Facebook and You Tube live at 9:00 PM Eastern time to discuss the blog.  If you would rather listen to a podcast than watch a Vlog, you can wait for the following Wednesday and the Vlog is released on my Podcast.

Family Fridays: Every Friday morning a new Podcast is released.  Most of my episodes on Fridays are me discussing parenting and marriage with experts on the topic.  If you would rather watch the Podcast instead of listen, you can watch the Podcast instead of listen, you can watch it on You Tube.  If you would like to be on my Podcast or know someone who would like to please message me on Facebook or Instagram or at whinypaluzamom@gmail.com



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About the Author:

Rebecca Greene received her Bachelor’s degree in psychology and her Master’s degree in social work at the University at Buffalo. She has experience working as a therapist and supervisor for families whose children had severe behavior problems. She was a stay-at-home mom for many years before diving back into work. Rebecca is a social worker, blogger, vlogger, podcaster and author. She lives at home with her husband Seth, their son Max, their daughters Ella and Lillie, their cats Faith and Joy and their dog Tanner. Rebecca’s full house keeps her very busy. She finds much joy in writing and loves connecting with the experts on her podcast.
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