Today is all about my partner in love, life, and parenting – my husband, Seth! In honor of his birthday, I want to take a moment to reflect on the invaluable lessons he has taught me over the years. Marriage is a journey, and along the way, we learn and grow from one another. Seth has been one my greatest teachers in so many ways, and I want to share just a few of the most important lessons he has taught me. I know that if all of these lessons help me then it will hopefully help all of you too.
Be Persistent
As I write this, Seth is texting me stressed out about a couple of big things today. He started his companies from ground zero and his persistence is what continues to make him successful. He hits bumps along the way. He gets stressed out. He persists and he plows through what needs to happen. That is a wonderful sight for my children and I to observe and learn from. Never give up. If you keep persisting, then you will get what you want. It is not going to be an even line. It is going to be a curvy line up and down and I thank Seth for riding the waves.
Stay Consistent
Any time anyone asks me about achieving their goal, I tell them that they need to be persistent and consistent. Those need to become our favorite words. That is what it takes to get what you want. Seth goes to work every day and works hard every day consistently. Seth trains for his third degree black belt consistently. Seth is very good at follow through, and he will show up for you and for himself and do what needs to be done on a consistent basis.
Build Up
You’ve heard me talk about this before – but this is an awesome lesson that I learned from Seth. I tend to plow forward and exhaust myself. Seth has taught me how to do life differently. If he has a goal to achieve, he will plan out with what he is going to do every day for weeks to build up to that goal. If Seth wants to clean out the basement with me, he will make a plan to do one box every day until it’s done. If Seth had a paper due for school, he planned out how many pages he needed to write every day in order to get it done on time. He makes a plan, and he spaces it out and he gets to the final result. He takes life piece by piece vs. when I plunge forward and clean the whole basement. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Seth has taught me to take a step back, make a plan, and take life piece by piece to achieve whatever it is that I am going after.
Laughter is the Best Medicine
Seth has an amazing ability to bring humor into even the most frustrating moments. He reminds me not to take life too seriously and to find the joy in the little things. One of the things I fell in love with is his sense of humor. We were having a very hard time dealing with our youngest and her attitude and mood swings. We understand that it’s very normal and knowing that does help a little. Seth bringing humor to our dinner table and lightening the mood has made a huge difference. He makes us all laugh and I’m so thankful for that. When Seth and I are in the middle of an argument, sometimes he will make me laugh and the pattern interrupt shifts the whole conversation in a better direction. He’s taught me the importance of humor. Especially in difficult situations.
Love is in the Little Things
From picking me up a coffee for me, to doing the dishes, to running the kids around – Seth constantly shows his love through small, thoughtful actions. He has taught me that love isn’t just in grand gestures – it’s in the day-to-day moments of kindness, support, and consideration. All the little things that we do for each other are what builds up to a wonderful marriage.
The Power of a Positive Mindset
Seth has an innate ability to see the good in every situation. Even when things don’t go as planned, he finds a silver lining. His optimism has helped me shift my perspective, allowing me to embrace challenges with a more hopeful outlook. I know how important this is. We are very good at challenging each other in a gentle way to bring our mindsets to a better place. He has taught me to step up in this department.
Staying Calm under Stress
It is absolutely amazing to see how calm Seth can stay in a very stressful situation. He is the ultimate problem solver. He takes action and he will get it done to get out of whatever the stressful situation is. I tend to act like a deer in headlights. I will freeze. Seth will remind me to move and take action. I have come a long way and that is all because of Seth. I am going to give you a small example – There was a time when a child may throw up all over the place and I would stare at it like, “What on earth just happened?” Seth would remind me to get up and start cleaning it up. That is just a simple example, but he would act and I would freeze. This happens in bigger situations too. However, I have changed a lot in this department due to Seth’s influence. Now when something happens, I tend to move quicker but Seth is the master problem solver. He will take action quickly. He will fix it. He will get it done. It is wonderful to learn from him.
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
Marriage, parenting, and life in general are all about teamwork. Seth has shown me what true partnership looks like as we share responsibilities, make joint decisions, and lift each other up in tough times. Together, we navigate life’s ups and downs, always knowing we have each other’s backs. I always need to remember that I am not in this alone. I have a wonderful partner in life.
Be Present and Enjoy the Moment
In a world full of distractions, Seth reminds me to slow down and truly be present. Whether it’s playing with our children, enjoying a family meal, or just sitting on the couch together, he values the moments and really has learned to be where his feet are.
Unwavering Support is Everything
One of the greatest gifts Seth has given me is his unwavering belief in me. Whether it’s my dreams, my work, or my personal growth, he is always my biggest cheerleader. His encouragement has given me the confidence to pursue my passions fearlessly. It is an amazing feeling to have someone truly on your side. He has taught me the beauty and strength of this.
Happy Birthday, My Love!
My dearest Seth, I think that you are incredible. Please don’t ever doubt that. Thank you for teaching me these valuable lessons and for making life so much more beautiful. I am beyond grateful to walk this journey with you. Happy birthday, my love! Here’s to another year of laughter, love, and adventure together! It is an honor to do life with you.
Laughing, Learning, Loving,
Rebecca Greene, LCSW-R
Whinypaluza Notes:
Whinypaluza Mom Group:
If you are looking for a supportive community, come join the free Whinypaluza Mom Facebook group. I created this as I wanted us to have a place where we can talk about tips, strengths and challenges we are having. It is another step I took to help everyone to know that you are not alone. The February Valentine challenge was a lot of fun! Come join us and bring a friend with you! I love to give away prizes. This group is private so please find me on Facebook at Whinypaluza or Rebecca Greene and message me to ask for an invite. I’m also on Instagram @becgreene5 and @whinypaluza_mom. I am also on Tik tok @whinypaluzamom.
The Whinypaluza Schedule:
Whinypaluza Wednesdays: My weekly blog comes out every Wednesday. I am always open to your topic requests. A new Vlog (video blog) also comes out every Wednesday night on Facebook and You Tube live at 8:00 PM Eastern time to discuss the blog. If you would rather listen to a podcast than watch a Vlog, you can wait for the following Wednesday and the Vlog is released on my Podcast.
Family Fridays: Every Friday morning a new Podcast is released. Most of my episodes on Fridays are me discussing parenting and marriage with experts on the topic. If you would rather watch the Podcast instead of listen, you can watch it on You Tube. If you would like to be on my Podcast or know someone who would like to please message me on Facebook or Instagram or at
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