I’m not going to pressure myself to come up with a word every year, but when it’s easy and it comes to me, I go with it. One year my word was calm. Last year my word was grace. I have a lot of words swirling in my head. Two of my very favorite words that I cherish every day are love and connection. The word that came to me last night as I thought about the new year is consistent. Consistent in so many ways. Let me explain.
I am going to talk about obvious consistency and not so obvious consistency, but this is the perfect word for me this year.
I would like to start with my diet. I am not saying this as though I am on a diet. I am saying this about eating healthy food in general. What am I putting into my body? How much protein do I want to eat each day? Being mindful about what I am eating every day. Being healthier every day. This is a lifestyle choice for every day this is not a diet.
Let’s talk about my daily movement. I am currently walking and talking into my phone as I write this. Talk about multitasking. I am working while I exercise. I find that a daily long walk is really good for me mentally and physically. My dog enjoys it, and I enjoy it. I walk him and then I walk myself. It is so good for us to get movement every day into our day. I plan to be consistent and move my body in some way every day consistently. The big thing I have added into my life is strength training. The goal is to do this consistently 3-4 times a week.
Moving on to my work life. Being consistent with recording podcasts every week. Being consistent with writing blogs every week. Being consistent with writing my newsletter every week. Being consistent with showing up for my vlogs every week. Being consistent and posting on social media every day. It is all about our schedule and consistency for my success in my work life.
My relationships are so important to me. My relationships in my life are what are most important to me. First, let’s start with my husband. Being consistent in how I am being a good wife. How many times do I say I love you? How many times a day do I tell him I appreciate him? How many times do I touch him? How many times do I hug him? Did I kiss him hello and goodbye? These may sound like small things to you. I think they are very big things that add up to a happy marriage. Being consistent with telling and showing Seth how much I love him every day will make our marriage successful. We also have been doing much better with scheduling dates in our calendar to spend time together without our kids. I think it’s important for every marriage to have consistent time without children around to connect and have conversations that aren’t interrupted. Our goal is to have a date at least once a month.
Moving on to getting to be a parent to three amazing kids. We all know that parenting and marriage are wonderful and also not always sunshine and rainbows. Some days of parenting are easier than others. However, I am going to show up and be a consistent and reliable parent for them every single day of my life. How can I show them and tell them that I love them? How can I be a consistent parent for them every single day?
My friendships and our parents and other relationships in my life are also very important to me. How am I showing up for people? How am I being consistent? Am I texting them? Am I calling them? Am I making plans with them regularly? Being consistent with our relationships helps to build them and keep them growing and gives us the support system that we all need.
I’m going to move to other healthy areas of my life. How am I taking care of myself in other ways so that I can be the best me and show up a better me for everyone in my life including myself? Am I taking my vitamins every day? Am I writing in my journal consistently? Am I meditating? What am I doing to take care of myself every single day consistently? Am I drinking enough water? These are awesome questions to ask myself every day.
One area that I have made major progress on is reading. I read every day. I want to continue to be consistent with this. Reading brings me joy and calm into my life. It helps relax and entertain me. It is in my bedtime routine and my body knows that when I’m reading it is time to unwind and go to sleep. I look forward to many books in 2025!
Now tell me, what are your goals for 2025? Do you have work goals? Do you have family goals? Do you have parenting goals? Do you have marital goals? Do you have personal goals? Do you have fitness goals? What is your word of the year?
Do you need to socialize more? Do you need a better job? Do you enjoy going to work? Do you need a better outlook? How are you doing as a parent and a spouse? Would you like a relationship but you don’t have one yet?
I suggest that you start writing things down. When we write things down, they are more concrete. They seem to manifest better. Going over things every day that you have written down helps you to reach whatever it is you are trying to accomplish.
As I enter into 2025, I bring with me the word consistent. I will be even more successful this year by being consistent every day in all areas of my life.
Laughing, Learning, Loving,
Rebecca Greene, LCSW-R
Whinypaluza Notes:
Whinypaluza Mom Group:
If you are looking for a supportive community, come join the free Whinypaluza Mom Facebook group. I created this as I wanted us to have a place where we can talk about tips, strengths and challenges we are having. It is another step I took to help everyone to know that you are not alone. The January New Year challenge was a lot of fun. Come join us and bring a friend with you! I love to give away prizes. This group is private so please find me on Facebook at Whinypaluza or Rebecca Greene and message me to ask for an invite. I’m also on Instagram @becgreene5 and @whinypaluza_mom. I am also on Tik tok @whinypaluzamom.
The Whinypaluza Schedule:
Whinypaluza Wednesdays: My weekly blog comes out every Wednesday. I am always open to your topic requests. A new Vlog (video blog) also comes out every Wednesday night on Facebook and You Tube live at 8:00 PM Eastern time to discuss the blog. If you would rather listen to a podcast than watch a Vlog, you can wait for the following Wednesday and the Vlog is released on my Podcast.
Family Fridays: Every Friday morning a new Podcast is released. Most of my episodes on Fridays are me discussing parenting and marriage with experts on the topic. If you would rather watch the Podcast instead of listen, you can watch it on You Tube. If you would like to be on my Podcast or know someone who would like to please message me on Facebook or Instagram or at whinypaluzamom@gmail.com
I would so greatly appreciate it if you would subscribe, rate my Podcast and leave me a five-star review. This leads to it being shown to more people that we can help. I appreciate it when you share my blogs, vlogs and podcasts with a friend so that we can build our community and help people one mama at a time. Every time you like and/or comment on a post it helps and is so appreciated!
Please feel free to email me with suggestions for topics that you would like me to cover. I would also love to hear about any lessons or takeaways that you learned from blogs, vlogs or podcasts that Whinypaluza releases. I hope that you are finding all this helpful and seeing that you are never alone. We are in this parenting and marriage ride together. xoxo