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pisode number 220 Rebuilding Intimacy with Irene Fehr Certified Sex and Intimacy Coach. She talks about the four myths of sexual intimacy with women. I love that she talked about the fact that men and women are different. One of the points that stood out to me is that we as women tend to go full throttle all day and then wonder why we don’t have any energy at the end of the day. No wonder my husband wants me to pace myself. We can learn so much from her about how to increase the intimacy in our marriage.
- Episode number 228 Key Tips for Mindful Parenting with Kerry Tepedino, Ceo of The One Thought Away Project. Go back and listen to all the tips that Kerry has to share with us. I love that she advises us to apologize for the messy moments. We all get messy. Nothing is perfect. We want to model to our spouse and children to apologize when we get messy. She also talks about teaching our children to learn from their difficult moments in life. I think those are the best places to learn and grow from. I think back to my difficult moments and instead of regretting them I thank them for teaching me and making me a better person. Kerry has tips to share with us to become a more mindful parent.
- Episode 240 Free to Be with Shirin Etessam, author, entrepreneur, and transformational speaker. Shirin reminds us of the importance of adult play. Working nonstop every day isn’t good for our soul. We need adult play in our lives, and it will make us even better. She encourages us to write our story and find our reason for living. She also reminds me of the importance of spirituality and adding things like meditation into my life.
- Episode 246 The Root of Anxiety, Migraines and Intestinal Issues with Tamara Castelo, a specialist in Chinese medicine and the CEO of Tamara Castelo Clinic. I loved learning from this smart amazing lady. She helps people every day with their physical and mental health. One of my favorite lines that she taught me is that if I don’t make time for my physical health that you will eventually need to make time for your illness. That is quite the wake-up call. We want to take time to take care of ourselves today. She also encourages us to listen to our body. I am trying to pay attention to what foods agree and disagree with me. How does my body feel after I eat something? Listen to your body and make time for it.
- Episode 255 Powerful Parenting Tools with Vanessa Kahlon, founder of Kahlon Family Services School. I absolutely love R words and Vanessa talks about the 3 R Method! 3 of the most important R’s that you can learn as a parent, spouse, etc. are redo, rewind and repair. I want to add in reset (my word). I tend to rewind, reset, redo and repair. She reminds us to remember that behavior is a symptom of what is going on internally for kids. Very rich episode of parenting tools for us.
- Episode 257 The Role Stress plays in children’s challenging behaviors with Allana Robinson CEO of Uncommon Sense Parenting. Allana has taught me so much about the brain. Listen to her podcast episode to thoroughly understand how your child’s brain is working and why they are having behavioral issues. As I’m listening to her episode again as I type, she is talking about how having a consistent schedule helps our children. Keeping things consistent and/or giving them some warning of what is to be expected. I know my kids like to know what our schedule is and what I expect from them. For example, your grandparents are arriving at 5:30 PM to have dinner with us. The more they know what is happening, the less behaviors we will see.
- Episode 265 Parenting Triggers are often invitations for deeper healing and growth with Dr. Laura Froyen. First and foremost, I absolutely love this fabulous woman’s voice. Just listen for some peace and calm in your day. She lets us all know how important it is to work on ourselves and becoming aware of our own triggers. Learning about ourselves and healing is a fantastic way to become a better person and better parent. She builds in meditation and breathwork in her days. She teaches us that learning about ourselves and how to self-regulate ourselves becomes the best gift we can give to our children.
- Episode 266, Helping girls believe in themselves with Becky Fife, Katie Parker and Allie Callister founders of I Believe in Me. They came together to found this program for tweens and parents that is very needed. Their program has a garden theme that is so engaging to tweens. I love the garden word plays to help us all learn. My favorite word play is addressing the ANTS: automatic negative thoughts. We want to get the ants out of our garden. They teach girls that what they water will grow, and we don’t want to water the ants. They give girls the tools to foster their growth and strength. Any of our daughters can benefit from their wonderful program.
- Episode 274, The Beauty Boost, Wellness for Women, with Chris Belin the founder of the Buffalo chapter of the Beauty Boost. How fun for me when I get to speak with women who live near me. I love talking to women all over the world, but it was fun to know that Chris is just 10 minutes away from me. She is doing such a great job helping women to connect. Women need women. Women need to find like minded people to lift them up. If you live near me, you can connect to this chapter or you can look for one near you.
- Episode 280, Teach your kids how to be the boss of their brain with Jessica Sinarski, therapist and speaker. She teaches us about the concept of the upstairs brain and the downstairs brain. When we come at our children wanting power and control, we are using our downstairs brain. First, we need to come to our children in our upstairs brain with compassion and understanding. Then we need to help them get to their upstairs brain. She says that if we can stay in our upstairs brain, be compassionate and understanding, and help them get some movement in, that this will help to get them back to that calm well thinking upstairs brain. I love it when therapists teach me more about the brain and how it works. It helps us learn how to be a better parent for our kids.
Bonus: Episode 304 Navigating the Teenage Years with Dr. Liz Nissim Matheis. I concluded 2023 with the fabulous Dr. Liz. One of my favorite women that I have met along this podcasting journey. One of the many great things about Dr. Liz is that she has three kids like me who are all very similar ages. It helps so much to know people going through the same parenting stages. It helps us to feel supported and not alone. She told me this story of having her daughter take them through the airport and leading the way. This is one of the many ways our kids learn and become independent. I find myself stepping back more and letting my son lead us in order to learn. Teenagers take us into a completely different parenting stage and our main job is to make it so that in the end they don’t need us to have our parenting job with them. We will always be their parents and we will always love them and be there for them. We want them to be able to navigate through the world independently of us.
I interviewed and spent time with so many women in 2023. These are only some of the wonderful lessons that they taught me or reinforced for me. I would so love for you to share with me who your favorite guest was of 2023. I’m looking forward to the exciting line up of guests that I already have for you in 2024. I’m looking forward to another year of laughing, learning, and loving with my next fabulous guests and with all my wonderful listeners. Thank you for being here with me. I love our Whinypaluza community.
Cheers to 2024!
Laughing, Learning, Loving,
Rebecca Greene, LCSW-R
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Whinypaluza Notes:
Whinypaluza Mom Group:
If you are looking for a supportive community, come join the free Whinypaluza Mom Facebook group. I created this as I wanted us to have a place where we can talk about tips, strengths and challenges we are having. It is another step I took to help everyone to know that you are not alone. The January New Year challenge is under way. Come join in the group and the January challenge and bring a friend with you! I love to give away prizes. This group is private so please find me on Facebook at Whinypaluza or Rebecca Greene and message me to ask for an invite. I’m also on Instagram @becgreene5 and @whinypaluza_mom. I am also on Tik tok @whinypaluzamom.
The Whinypaluza Schedule:
Whinypaluza Wednesdays: My weekly blog comes out every Wednesday. I am always open to your topic requests. A new Vlog (video blog) also comes out every Wednesday night on Facebook and You Tube live at 8:00 PM Eastern time to discuss the blog. If you would rather listen to a podcast than watch a Vlog, you can wait for the following Wednesday and the Vlog is released on my Podcast.
Family Fridays: Every Friday morning a new Podcast is released. Most of my episodes on Fridays are me discussing parenting and marriage with experts on the topic. If you would rather watch the Podcast instead of listen, you can watch it on You Tube. If you would like to be on my Podcast or know someone who would like to please message me on Facebook or Instagram or at whinypaluzamom@gmail.com
I would so greatly appreciate it if you would subscribe, rate my Podcast and leave me a five-star review. This leads to it being shown to more people that we can help. I appreciate it when you share my blogs, vlogs and podcasts with a friend so that we can build our community and help people one mama at a time. Every time you like and/or comment on a post it helps and is so appreciated!
Please feel free to email me with suggestions for topics that you would like me to cover. I would also love to hear about any lessons or takeaways that you learned from blogs, vlogs or podcasts that Whinypaluza releases. I hope that you are finding all this helpful and seeing that you are never alone. We are in this parenting and marriage ride together. xoxo